See the homepage for an up-to-date overview of future events
The 7th edition of the ‘Correntes De Um Só Rio – Encontro da Canção, do Fado, da Música, e das Guitarras de Coimbra’ festival is returning to the Convento São Francisco from 27 September to 5 October. The festival features nine shows and an audiovisual installation. ‘A conta que Deus fez’, by João Farinha, “Melancolia”, with Francisco Zargalo, “Regresso”, with António José Moreira, Ricardo Dias and Pedro Lopes, the Sound Archive of Fado and Coimbra Song, by Tiago Pereira, a special edition of Café Curto, ‘Questioning an Archive’, by Sampladélicos, the shows “Augúrio” and “Cantigas a gostarem delas próprios”, the 8th edition of the Grande Noite do Fado e da Canção de Coimbra and “Saudade”, by harpist Maria Sá Silva, are the proposals on the table.
See the full programme for the CORRENTES DE UM SÓ RIO Festival here.
Ticket office: 239 857 191