Tó Trips’ eclectic style blends rock, blues and traditional Portuguese music and has strongly influenced the country’s music scene. Known the world over for being part of the Dead Combo duo, Tó Trips has been working on solo albums with autobiographical traits for over a decade, demonstrating all the power of four decades of guitar playing in a case of rare resilience and constant inventiveness.
‘Guitarra 66’, released in 2006, was his first solo album, raw and luminous. A guitar with people inside, just like that of the master Paredes, populated by memories and experiences. In 2015, he released ‘Guitarra Makaka – Danças a um Deus Desconhecido’ (Makaka Guitar – Dances to an Unknown God), recorded with a Resonator guitar, normally associated with Bukka White’s blues, but revisited here through a very personal imaginary.
Last year he released ‘Popular Jaguar’ on Revolve. A record of mysteries, silences, places, in a vivid mosaic full of lyricism, in a tessitura of mournful chords and notes that cut through everything that might sound superficial. In essence, Trips at his most stripped-down and curiously open. Always him.