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Pedro Batista: guitar, voice, lyrics;
Adelino Gonçalves: guitar;
Emídio Abrantes: accordion, voice;
Pedro Sanches Pinto (bass, vocals);
Pedro Geraldo (drums).
More than a postponed comeback – of the even more postponed fame of a quintet that has never ceased to be – 9 November will be a tribute to Ordem Crucial, a band that was born in Coimbra at the end of the 80s.
A tribute paid by the band themselves and celebrating a friendship that extends to many, many people from Coimbra.
They could have pursued a career in music, but they were stuck building a future that they never stopped missing. They were so strong that they felt it was an obligation to give voice to their weeping guitars again, to weave the nostalgic-romantic atmosphere of their songs with pop-rock rhythms, lulled by the acid tenderness of an accordion.
Lyrics transcribed from youthful irreverence exalt passion and the urgency to live, which remain.
For these and other reasons, you should put a marker in your diary: on the evening of 9 November, at Liquidâmbar, we must all sing like the sailors who bring flowers to their loves from afar: Crucial Order, what a tribute!
‘O Esplendor do Caos’ was born out of the desire to create art, in this case musical art. Motivated and surrounded by technology, Pedro Miguel Baptista explores melodic and experimental sounds using traditional pop-rock instruments (rhythm box, guitars and bass). An instrumental and introspective music project that needs to come out of the box and be appreciated by the public. Chaos is elevated in all its splendour.’